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Illustrationen                                        Skizzenbuch
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This publication is about a visit to my Finnish grandmother. It is about dementia, affection and time. The images try to capture the repetitive nature of interactions with dementia patients.
I worked with aquatint, line etching and tetrapack intaglio.

Text extract:

Kuinka vanha sinä olet?
       22, entä sinä?
Olen syntynyt 1930, voit laskee.
       Sit sä oot 91.
Voi hyvänen aika, olen ihan vanha akka.

Wie alt bist du?
       22, und du?
Ich bin 1930 geboren, dann kannst du es ausrechnen.
       Du bist 91.
Ach du meine Güte, ich bin ja wirklich eine alte Schachtel.

self printed with offset
thread binding
size: 21 x 25 cm
price: CHF 30.-

If you are interested to buy a copy, please send me a mail.